Melton Muslim Community

Bringing the Muslims of Melton together

Selama Aleykum brothers and sisters,

Visit our new website insha'Allah ~

The Melton Muslim Community is a registered non-profit organization in Victoria, Australia.
Donations will only be used inshaAllah towards a musaala in Melton, venue for Quran classes for children and for community benefits & events.
Jzk. May Allah reward you all.

MMC has now a Bank Account where you can donate discreetly.

Bank: Westpac
BSB 033 121
Acc no 369526

Remember, this is one of the many ways that may be a means of securing for yourself Sadaqa Jariya as told to us by the Prophet (pbuh):
"When a person dies, his works end, except for three: ongoing charity, knowledge that is benefited from, and a righteous child who prays for him" "
(Hadith Muslim)

If you would like to donate through mail or any other means, please provide your contact information via a FB private message and we'll get in touch with you, insha'Allah.

"Spend in charity and do not keep count, for Allah will keep count in giving you provision." (Hadith Bukhari)

____Disclaimer: The images and photographs used in our webpages are for decorative purposes only. If you own any of these images or photographs and are not happy with your image or photograph being used in such a manner, please do not hesitate to write in to us at . We apologise for not obtaining your permission beforehand.
We will endeavour to remove your image or photograph as soon as possible. May Allah forgive us for not being able to contact you prior to using your image. JazakumAllah Khayr for your kind understanding.

Community organization